13: Variable Selection for Gene Expression Data



This application uses the riboflavin data from the hdi package.



# number of observations and gene expression levels
[1]   71 4088

Coefficient paths

In Figure 13.1 of the book, we display the coefficient path for the first 100 iterations when fitting a Gaussian location and scale model.

dat <- riboflavin
# change the variable names
attr(dat$x, "dimnames")[[2]] <- paste("", 1:4088, sep = "")
# fit a boosting model (remove intercept for nicer plot)
glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~  - 1+  x, data = dat, 
                     method = "noncyclic", 
                     families = GaussianLSS(mu = NULL, 
                                            sigma = NULL,
                     stabilization = "MAD"), 
                     control = boost_control(nu = 0.1))
par(mfrow = c(1,2))
plot(glm1, off2int = TRUE, col = 1, las = 1, ylim =c(-1,1))

Leave-one-out cross-validation

We compare a classical boosting approach (mean regression) with a Gaussian location and scale and a Gumbel model. We use separate functions to compare the approaches running in parallel on a computing cluster.

First classical boosting

AMP <- function(id)
  # classic L2 boosting without one obs (id)
  glm1 <- glmboost( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,])
  # bootstrapping
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, grid = 1:500, papply = "lapply")
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  # predict on the left out obs
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,])
  # compute msep
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred)^2
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(cvr), coef = coefs  ))

For executing in parallel

id <- 1:nrow(dat)
ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)

Now check the MSEP, MAEP and selcted variables:

mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2]))) # msep
[1] 0.2033454
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2])))) # maep
[1] 0.2405357
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef != 0)))
[1] 33.21127

Gaussian location and scale model

AMP_LSS <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = boost_control(
                         mstop = 50))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, papply = lapply)
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,], 
                  type = "response")
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)^2
  mae <- abs(dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(glm1), 
              coef = coefs  ))

Execute in parallel

ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2]))) # msep
[1] 0.2140843
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2])))) # maep
[1] 0.2342696
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$mu != 0)))
[1] 19.35211
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$sigma != 0)))
[1] 3.014085

Gumbel distribution

AMP_LSS_GU <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = as.families("GU",
                              stabilization = "MAD"),
                       control = boost_control(
                         mstop = 1, nu = 0.01))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, grid = 1:300, papply = lapply)
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,], 
                  type = "response")
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)^2
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(glm1), coef = coefs  ))

After running in parallel:

ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(as.numeric(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2]))))# msep
[1] 0.3758644
median(sqrt(as.numeric(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2])))))# msep
[1] 0.3587012
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$mu != 0)))
[1] 24.53521
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$sigma != 0)))
[1] 9.042254

Comparison with cyclical approach

AMP_LSS_cyc <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "cyclic", 
                       families = 
                           stabilization = "MAD"), 
                       control = boost_control(
                         mstop = 200, nu = 0.01))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, papply = lapply)
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,], 
                  type = "response")
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)^2
  mae <- abs(dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(glm1), 
              coef = coefs  ))

Executing as above

ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS_cyc, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
# removing one failing run
ERG[[43]] <- NULL

mean(as.numeric(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2]))))# msep
[1] 0.2449231
median(sqrt(as.numeric(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x[2])))))# msep
[1] 0.2955776
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$mu != 0)))
[1] 28.18571
mean(sapply(ERG, function(x) sum(x[4]$coef$sigma != 0)))
[1] 6.742857

One standard error rule

AMP_LSS_ose <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = 
                         boost_control(mstop = 1))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, grid = 1:100, papply = lapply)

  means <- apply(cvr, mean, MAR = 2)
  mstop_orig <- which.min(means)
  risk_orig <- min(means)
  ose <- sd(cvr[,mstop(cvr)])/sqrt(25)
  mstop_ose <- min(which(means <= min(means) + ose))
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop_ose
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,], 
                  type = "response")
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)^2
  mae <- abs(dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  selmu <- length(coef(glm1)$mu)-1
  selsi <- length(coef(glm1)$sigma)-1

  ls_ose<- dnorm(x = ribo[id,'y'], 
                 mean = pred$mu, 
                 sd = pred$sigma, log = TRUE)
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(glm1), 
              selmu = selmu, selsi = selsi, 
              ls_ose = ls_ose))
ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS_ose, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selmu)))
[1] 15
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selsi)))
[1] 1.43662
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep)))
[1] 0.2848565
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep))))
[1] 0.288833
median(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$mstop)))
[1] 36
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$ls_ose)))
[1] -0.7925668


AMP_LSS_probing <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = boost_control(
                         mstop = 1))
  probes.train <- as.data.frame(
    sapply(ribo[,-1], sample)) # shuffling all variables (leaving out response which is at position 1 and 2)
  names(probes.train) <- paste(names(ribo)[-c(1)],
                               "probe", sep = "_")
  probes.train <- cbind(ribo, probes.train)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ ., data = probes.train[- id,],
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = boost_control(
                         mstop = 100))
  if(!any(selected(glm1,merge = T) > 
          length(names(ribo)[-c(1)]))) glm1[100]
  mstop_probes <- min(which(selected(glm1,merge = T) > 
                              length(names(ribo)[-c(1)]))) - 1
  coefs <- coef(glm1)
  selmu <- length(coef(glm1)$mu)-1
  selsi <- length(coef(glm1)$sigma)-1
  pred_mu <- predict(glm1$mu, newdata = probes.train[id,], 
                     type = "response")
  pred_sigma <- predict(glm1$sigma, 
                        newdata = probes.train[id,], 
                        type = "response")
  msep_prob <- (dat[id,]$y - pred_mu)^2
  mae_prob <- abs(dat[id,]$y - pred_mu)
  ls_prob <- dnorm(x = ribo[id,'y'], 
                   mean = pred_mu, sd = pred_sigma, 
                   log = TRUE)
  return(list(selmu = selmu, selsi = selsi, 
              mstop = mstop_probes, 
              pred_sigma =pred_sigma, 
              msep = msep_prob, mae = mae_prob, 
              ls_prob = ls_prob))
ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS_probing, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selmu)))
[1] 5.295775
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selsi)))
[1] 0.3661972
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep)))
[1] 0.5452482
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep))))
[1] 0.4737379
median(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$mstop)))
[1] 16
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$ls_prob)))
[1] -1.136055

Stability selection

AMP_LSS_stabsel <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = boost_control(mstop = 100))


  s1 <- stabsel(glm1, q =  20, PFER = 1, assumption ='none')
  sel = names(s1$selected) 
  if(any(sel %in% (grep("(Intercept)",sel , value = T)))){
    sel <- sel[-which(sel %in% (grep("(Intercept)", sel, value = T)))]
  if(any(grepl('.mu', sel))){
    sel_mu <- gsub(".mu","\\1",sel[grep('mu',sel)])
    sel_mu <- gsub("x","\\1",sel_mu)
    form_mu <- as.formula(paste("y~",paste(paste0("x.",sel_mu),collapse = '+'), sep= ''))
    sel_mu = 0
    form_mu <- as.formula(paste("y~1"))
  if(any(grepl('sigma', sel))){
    sel_sigma <- gsub(".sigma","\\1",sel[grep('sigma', sel)])
    sel_sigma <- gsub("x","\\1",sel_sigma)
    form_sigma <- as.formula(paste("y~",paste(paste0("x.",sel_sigma),collapse = '+'), sep = ''))
    sel_sigma = 0
    form_sigma <- as.formula(paste("y~1"))
  form <- list(mu = form_mu,
               sigma = form_sigma)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS(form, data = ribo[- id,], 
                      method = "noncyclic", 
                      families = GaussianLSS(), 
                      control = boost_control(mstop = 1))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, grid = 1:100, papply = lapply)
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  coefs <- coef(glm1)
  selmu <- length(coef(glm1)$mu)-1
  selsi <- length(coef(glm1)$sigma)-1
  pred_mu <- predict(glm1$mu, newdata = ribo[id,], 
                     type = "response")
  pred_sigma <- predict(glm1$sigma, newdata = ribo[id,], 
                        type = "response")
  msep_prob <- (dat[id,'y'] - pred_mu)^2
  mae_prob <- abs(dat[id,'y'] - pred_mu)
  ls_stab <- dnorm(x = ribo[id,'y'], mean = pred_mu, 
                   sd = pred_sigma, log = TRUE)
  return(list(selmu = selmu, selsi = selsi, 
              mstop =  mstop(glm1), 
              pred_mu = pred_mu, pred_sigma= pred_sigma, 
              msep =  msep_prob, mae = mae_prob, 
              ls_stab = ls_stab))
ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS_stabsel, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selmu)))
[1] 1.929577
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selsi)))
[1] 0
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep)))
[1] 0.4384487
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep))))
[1] 0.3580849
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$ls_stab)))
[1] -1.065873


AMP_LSS <- function(id)
  glm1 <- glmboostLSS( y ~ x, data = dat[- id,], 
                       method = "noncyclic", 
                       families = GaussianLSS(), 
                       control = boost_control(mstop = 1))
  cvr <- cvrisk(glm1, grid = 1:100, papply = lapply)
  mstop(glm1) <- mstop(cvr)
  pred <- predict(glm1, newdata = dat[id,], 
                  type = "response")
  msep <- (dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)^2
  mae <- abs(dat[id,]$y - pred$mu)
  coefs <- coef(glm1, which = "")
  selmu <- length(coef(glm1)$mu)-1
  selsi <- length(coef(glm1)$sigma)-1
  desel <- DeselectBoostLSS_2(glm1, tau = 0.01, 
                              fam = GaussianLSS())
  pred_mu <- predict(desel$mu, newdata = ribo[id,], 
                     type = "response")
  pred_sigma <- predict(desel$sigma, 
                        newdata = ribo[id,], 
                        type = "response")
  msep_desel <- (ribo[id,'y'] - pred_mu)^2
  mae_desel <- abs(ribo[id,'y'] - pred_mu)
  selmu_desel <- length(coef(desel$mu)) -1
  selsi_desel <- length(coef(desel$sigma)) -1
   ls_desel <- dnorm(x = ribo[id,'y'], 
                     mean = pred_mu, sd = pred_sigma, 
                     log = TRUE)
  return(list(pred = pred, msep = msep, 
              mstop = mstop(glm1), 
              selmu = selmu, selsi = selsi, 
              selmu_desel = selmu_desel, 
              selsi_desel = selsi_desel,  
              pred_mu= pred_mu, pred_sigma =pred_sigma,
              msep_desel = msep_desel,mae_desel = mae_desel, 
              ls_desel = ls_desel))

Which calls the function DeselectBoostLSS_2:

DeselectBoostLSS_2 <-
           data = NULL,
           tau = NULL,
           method = c('attributable', 'cumulative')) {
    data = attr(object, 'data')
    mstop <-
      ifelse(inherits(object, 'nc_mboostLSS'),
    if (length(risk(object, merge = T)) > (mstop + 2))
      stop("risk cannot contain more entries than mstop")
    parameter = names(object)
    which.response <- colnames(object[[1]]$response) == colnames(data)
    name.response <- colnames(data)[which.response]
    select <- selected(object, parameter = names(object))
    select1 <- selected(object, parameter = names(object))
    if (inherits(object, 'glmboostLSS')) {
      select[[1]] <- select[[1]] - 1
      select[[2]] <- select[[2]] - 1
      select[[1]] <- select[[1]][select[[1]] != 0]
      select[[2]] <- select[[2]][select[[2]] != 0]
      RiskRed <- risk(object, merge = T)
      totalRiskRed <-
        (risk(object, merge = T)[1] - risk(object, merge = T)[length(risk(object, merge =
      diffRiskRed_all <-
        sapply(2:(length(RiskRed) - 1), function(k) {
          RiskRed[k] - RiskRed[k + 1]
      names(diffRiskRed_all) <- names(risk(object, merge = T)[-c(1:2)])
      diffRiskRed <- vector("list")
      diffRiskRed[[1]] <-
        diffRiskRed_all[names(diffRiskRed_all) == parameter[[1]]][select1[[1]] -
                                                                    1 != 0]
      diffRiskRed[[2]] <-
        diffRiskRed_all[names(diffRiskRed_all) == parameter[[2]]][select1[[2]] -
                                                                    1 != 0]
    } else{
      RiskRed <- risk(object, merge = T)
      diffRiskRed_all <-
        sapply(1:(length(RiskRed) - 1), function(k) {
          RiskRed[k] - RiskRed[k + 1]
      diffRiskRed_all <- diffRiskRed_all[-c(1:4)]
      names(diffRiskRed_all) <- names(risk(object, merge = T)[-c(1:2)])
      diffRiskRed <- vector("list")
      diffRiskRed[[1]] <-
        diffRiskRed_all[names(diffRiskRed_all) == parameter[[1]]]
      diffRiskRed[[2]] <-
        diffRiskRed_all[names(diffRiskRed_all) == parameter[[2]]]
    if (is.null(coef(object)[[1]]))
      select[[1]]  = 0
      select[[1]] = select[[1]]
    if (is.null(coef(object)[[2]]))
      select[[2]]  = 0
      select[[2]] = select[[2]]
    Var = lapply(1:length(parameter), function(i) {
    # If a parameter is not selected
    # zero <- sapply(1:length(parameter),function(i){length(select[[i]])})
    # Risk.Var <- lapply(which(zero != 0),function(i){sapply(1:dim(Var[[i]])[1],function(j){sum(diffRiskRed[[i]][which(count(select[[i]])[[1]][j] == select[[i]])])})})
    Risk.Var <-
      lapply(1:2, function(i) {
        sapply(1:dim(Var[[i]])[1], function(j) {
          sum(diffRiskRed[[i]][which(count(select[[i]])[[1]][j] == select[[i]])])
    # diffRiskRed[[i]]
    # which(count(select[[i]])[[1]][j] == select[[i]])
    w.parameter <-
      c(rep(parameter[1], length(count(select[[1]])[[1]])), rep(parameter[2], length(count(select[[2]])[[1]])))
    n.parameter <-
      c(names(object[[1]]$coef()), names(object[[2]]$coef()))
    if ('(Intercept)' %in% n.parameter)
      n.parameter <- n.parameter[-which(n.parameter == '(Intercept)')]
    Risk.Var_1 <- unlist(Risk.Var)[!is.na(unlist(Risk.Var))]
    if (any(Risk.Var_1 == 0))
      Risk.Var_1 <- Risk.Var_1[!Risk.Var_1 == 0]
    Risk.order <- data.frame(w.parameter, n.parameter, Risk.Var_1)
    colnames(Risk.order) <- c('parameter', 'VarName', 'Risk')
    Risk.order <- Risk.order[order(Risk.order$Risk), ]
    Risk.order$CumRisk <- cumsum(Risk.order$Risk)
    perc <- ifelse(is.null(tau), 0.01, tau)
    percRiskRed <-   sum(Risk.order$Risk) * perc
    if (method[1] == 'attributable') {
      RiskRedOver <- Risk.order[which(Risk.order$Risk > percRiskRed), ]
    } else{
      RiskRedOver <- Risk.order[which(Risk.order$CumRisk > percRiskRed), ]
    if (is.na(parameter[2]))
      parameter[2] <- 0
    if (is.na(parameter[1]))
      parameter[1] <- 0
    # if(length(name.response) > 1) name.response <- paste("cbind(",paste(name.response, collapse = ","),")")
    name.response <- "y"
    if (any(RiskRedOver$parameter == parameter[1])) {
      # if(length(name.response) >1) name.response <- paste("cbind(",paste(name.response, collapse = ","),")")
      form1 <-
        as.formula(paste(name.response, " ~ ", paste(
          gsub("x", "x.", RiskRedOver$VarName[RiskRedOver$parameter == parameter[1]]), collapse = "+"
    } else{
      form1 <-  as.formula(paste(name.response, '~1'))
    if (any(RiskRedOver$parameter == parameter[2])) {
      form2 <-
        as.formula(paste(name.response, " ~ ", paste(
          gsub("x", "x.", RiskRedOver$VarName[RiskRedOver$parameter == parameter[2]]), collapse = "+"
    } else{
      form2 <-  as.formula(paste(name.response, '~1'))
    formula <- list(form1, form2)
    names(formula) <- names(object)
    dfbase <-
    colnames(data$x) <- paste0("x.", colnames(data$x))
    data <- data.frame(cbind(y = data$y, x = data$x))
    if (inherits(object, "nc_mboostLSS")) {
      if (inherits(object, "glmboostLSS")) {
        model_after = glmboostLSS(
          data = data,
          families = fam,
          method = 'noncyclic',
          weights = model.weights(object),
          control = boost_control(
            mstop = mstop(object),
            nu = list(
      } else{
        model_after = gamboostLSS(
          data = data,
          families = fam,
          method = 'noncyclic',
          weights = model.weights(object),
          control = boost_control(
            mstop =  mstop(object),
            nu = list(
    } else{
      if (inherits(object, "glmboostLSS")) {
        model_after = glmboostLSS(
          data = data,
          families = fam,
          method = 'cyclic',
          weights = model.weights(object),
          control = boost_control(
            mstop = mstop(object),
            nu = list(
      } else{
        model_after = gamboostLSS(
          data = data,
          families = fam,
          method = 'cyclic',
          weights = model.weights(object),
          control = boost_control(
            mstop =  mstop(object),
            nu = list(
    out <- model_after
    Coef <- coef(model_after)
    deselect_para <-
      list(coef = Coef,
           tau = perc,
           deselectmethod = method[1])
    out <- append(x = out, values = deselect_para)
    class(out) <- c(class(out))
ERG <- mclapply(id, FUN = AMP_LSS, mc.cores = 11, 
                mc.preschedule = FALSE)
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selmu)))
[1] 19.14085
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$selsi)))
[1] 2.140845
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep)))
[1] 0.2174377
median(sqrt(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$msep))))
[1] 0.2377528
median(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$mstop)))
[1] 49
mean(unlist(sapply(ERG, function(x)x$ls_desel)))
[1] -0.7983609