8: Fetal Ultrasound


Figure 8.1

y_hist(ultra$birthweight, title="")+xlab("birthweight (g)")+
  theme_bw(base_size = 15) 

Figure 8.2 a

ggplot(data=ultra, aes(x=AC , y=birthweight))+geom_point(size=1)+
   geom_smooth(col="black")+theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.2 b

ggplot(data=ultra, aes(x=HC,y=birthweight))+geom_point(size=1)+
   geom_smooth(col="black")+ theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.2 c

ggplot(data=ultra, aes(x=FL,y=birthweight))+geom_point(size=1)+
   geom_smooth(col="black")+theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.2 d

ggplot(data=ultra)+geom_boxplot(aes(x=parity, y=birthweight))+
  theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.2 e

ggplot(data=ultra, aes(x=age,y=birthweight))+geom_point(size=1) +
   geom_smooth(col="black")+ theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.2 f

 ggplot(data=ultra, aes(x=DBD,y=birthweight))+geom_point(size=1) +
   geom_smooth(col="black")+theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.3

ggpairs(ultra, columns=c(1,2,3,4,6,8) )

Table 8.1

Fitting the original models and creation of Table 8.1

nullmodel <- gamlss(birthweight~1,sigma.fo=~1, data=ultra, family=NO, trace=FALSE)
LM1  <- gamlss(birthweight~.,sigma.fo=~., data=ultra, family=NO, trace=FALSE)
LM2  <- gamlss(birthweight~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2,
                    data=ultra, family=NO, n.cyc=50,  trace=FALSE) 
GAIC.table(nullmodel,LM1, LM2, k=c(0,2,6.95))
minimum GAIC(k= 0 ) model: LM2 
minimum GAIC(k= 2 ) model: LM2 
minimum GAIC(k= 6.95 ) model: LM1 
          df      k=0      k=2   k=6.95
nullmodel  2 16339.21 16343.21 16353.11
LM1       20 14696.32 14736.32 14835.32
LM2       86 14545.93 14717.93 15143.63

Table 8.2

Family:  c("NO", "Normal") 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ ., sigma.formula = ~.,  
    family = NO, data = ultra, trace = FALSE) 

Fitting method: RS() 

Mu link function:  identity
Mu Coefficients:
              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -4624.3385   172.8716 -26.750  < 2e-16 ***
AC            152.8162     6.2379  24.498  < 2e-16 ***
BPD            97.2317    33.5380   2.899 0.003822 ** 
HC             24.5465    10.4863   2.341 0.019434 *  
FL            120.6880    34.4017   3.508 0.000471 ***
parity1        59.5231    20.5917   2.891 0.003926 ** 
parity2        61.2613    30.6683   1.998 0.046032 *  
parity3+      141.4639    39.5003   3.581 0.000358 ***
age            -3.7268     1.6165  -2.306 0.021338 *  
DBD            28.5806     0.5979  47.805  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sigma link function:  log
Sigma Coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  5.717944   0.477468  11.976  < 2e-16 ***
AC           0.037066   0.017004   2.180  0.02950 *  
BPD          0.273322   0.098840   2.765  0.00579 ** 
HC          -0.092955   0.035093  -2.649  0.00820 ** 
FL          -0.105585   0.090566  -1.166  0.24396    
parity1      0.021205   0.051701   0.410  0.68179    
parity2      0.040590   0.076673   0.529  0.59665    
parity3+    -0.085410   0.107307  -0.796  0.42625    
age         -0.004997   0.004208  -1.188  0.23529    
DBD          0.006384   0.001470   4.343 1.55e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

No. of observations in the fit:  1038 
Degrees of Freedom for the fit:  20
      Residual Deg. of Freedom:  1018 
                      at cycle:  5 
Global Deviance:     14696.32 
            AIC:     14736.32 
            SBC:     14835.22 

Table 8.3

drop1(LM1, parameter="sigma")
Single term deletions for

birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD
       Df   AIC     LRT   Pr(Chi)    
<none>    14736                      
AC      1 14739  4.7696  0.028967 *  
BPD     1 14742  7.5346  0.006052 ** 
HC      1 14741  6.8608  0.008811 ** 
FL      1 14736  1.3647  0.242719    
parity  3 14732  1.1844  0.756749    
age     1 14736  1.4045  0.235965    
DBD     1 14752 17.9264 2.296e-05 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Table 8.4

GAIC(nullmodel,LM1, k=0)
          df      AIC
LM1       20 14696.32
nullmodel  2 16339.21
 Likelihood Ratio Test for nested GAMLSS models. 
 (No check whether the models are nested is performed). 
       Null model: deviance= 16339.21 with  2 deg. of freedom 
 Altenative model: deviance= 14696.32 with  20 deg. of freedom 
 LRT = 1642.886 with 18 deg. of freedom and p-value= 0 

Figure 8.4: Confidence intervals

Figure 8.4 was constructed from outputs which use different techniques. Here first we reproduce the results and then we plot the figure. Note in the cases that we need to simulate or re-sample the data, the results could be slightly different from the ones in the book.
The Wald and the robust CI’s:

# Wald
confint(LM1, parameter="sigma")[2,]
      2.5 %      97.5 % 
0.003738496 0.070392600 
# Robust
confint(LM1, parameter="sigma", robust=TRUE)[2,]
       2.5 %       97.5 % 
-0.007229057  0.081360152 


# non-parametric bootstrapping
# here use how many cores your computer has 
# ours has 10
registerDoParallel(cores = 10)
B1 <- NonParametricBoot(LM1, B=1000)
C1 <- summary(B1, show=FALSE)

 Coefficients from nonparam.boot() taken from: 1000 simulations 
                         mean        2.5%         50%       97.5%        mle
mu.(Intercept)    -4.6218e+03 -4.9642e+03 -4.6183e+03 -4.2892e+03 -4624.3385
mu.AC              1.5310e+02  1.4153e+02  1.5311e+02  1.6413e+02   152.8162
mu.BPD             9.6034e+01  2.7391e+01  9.5585e+01  1.6757e+02    97.2317
mu.HC              2.4643e+01  2.7576e+00  2.5315e+01  4.4855e+01    24.5465
mu.FL              1.2025e+02  5.5233e+01  1.2098e+02  1.8834e+02   120.6880
mu.parity1         5.9206e+01  1.9458e+01  5.9555e+01  9.9812e+01    59.5231
mu.parity2         6.0392e+01  1.4911e+00  5.8775e+01  1.2508e+02    61.2613
mu.parity3+        1.3995e+02  6.5882e+01  1.3950e+02  2.1744e+02   141.4639
mu.age            -3.7656e+00 -6.8945e+00 -3.7514e+00 -7.0254e-01    -3.7268
mu.DBD             2.8583e+01  2.7367e+01  2.8579e+01  2.9811e+01    28.5806
sigma.(Intercept)  5.6568e+00  4.7328e+00  5.6426e+00  6.5822e+00     5.7179
sigma.AC           3.9768e-02 -2.2541e-03  4.0382e-02  8.6431e-02     0.0371
sigma.BPD          2.5068e-01 -6.1837e-02  2.5948e-01  5.3056e-01     0.2733
sigma.HC          -8.5051e-02 -1.8212e-01 -8.2541e-02  6.7830e-03    -0.0930
sigma.FL          -1.1995e-01 -3.5676e-01 -1.1850e-01  9.3054e-02    -0.1056
sigma.parity1      1.7807e-02 -1.0135e-01  1.7189e-02  1.3972e-01     0.0212
sigma.parity2      3.2712e-02 -1.5312e-01  3.8483e-02  2.0587e-01     0.0406
sigma.parity3+    -1.0538e-01 -3.3392e-01 -9.8039e-02  1.0095e-01    -0.0854
sigma.age         -4.7646e-03 -1.4317e-02 -4.5515e-03  3.9747e-03    -0.0050
sigma.DBD          6.5800e-03  3.2803e-03  6.6371e-03  1.0039e-02     0.0064
deviance           1.4671e+04  1.4558e+04  1.4673e+04  1.4780e+04 14696.3213
        2.5%        97.5% 
-0.002254119  0.086431316 
# Bayesian bootstrapping
B2 <- BayesianBoot(LM1, B=1000)
C2 <- summary(B2, show=FALSE)

 Coefficients from Baysian.boot() taken from: 1000 simulations 
                         mean        2.5%         50%       97.5%        mle
mu.(Intercept)    -4.6189e+03 -4.9554e+03 -4.6164e+03 -4.2831e+03 -4624.3385
mu.AC              1.5324e+02  1.4199e+02  1.5323e+02  1.6419e+02   152.8162
mu.BPD             9.8481e+01  3.6271e+01  9.8938e+01  1.6601e+02    97.2317
mu.HC              2.3694e+01  2.4061e+00  2.4599e+01  4.2370e+01    24.5465
mu.FL              1.2038e+02  5.9618e+01  1.2189e+02  1.8090e+02   120.6880
mu.parity1         5.9117e+01  2.0350e+01  5.8405e+01  9.9464e+01    59.5231
mu.parity2         6.0713e+01  1.4939e+00  6.0452e+01  1.2143e+02    61.2613
mu.parity3+        1.4052e+02  6.7801e+01  1.3743e+02  2.1740e+02   141.4639
mu.age            -3.7666e+00 -6.8183e+00 -3.7725e+00 -1.1861e+00    -3.7268
mu.DBD             2.8597e+01  2.7419e+01  2.8591e+01  2.9758e+01    28.5806
sigma.(Intercept)  5.6817e+00  4.7566e+00  5.6889e+00  6.5494e+00     5.7179
sigma.AC           3.8982e-02 -3.2529e-03  3.8606e-02  8.1516e-02     0.0371
sigma.BPD          2.5903e-01  3.5062e-03  2.6134e-01  5.2525e-01     0.2733
sigma.HC          -8.7164e-02 -1.7162e-01 -8.7194e-02 -1.7404e-03    -0.0930
sigma.FL          -1.2047e-01 -3.1875e-01 -1.2180e-01  7.5698e-02    -0.1056
sigma.parity1      1.5981e-02 -9.7465e-02  1.6978e-02  1.3047e-01     0.0212
sigma.parity2      3.2647e-02 -1.3632e-01  3.0015e-02  2.1040e-01     0.0406
sigma.parity3+    -1.0176e-01 -3.1931e-01 -1.0121e-01  9.9876e-02    -0.0854
sigma.age         -4.7239e-03 -1.3154e-02 -4.6557e-03  3.8866e-03    -0.0050
sigma.DBD          6.4304e-03  3.6364e-03  6.4008e-03  9.3133e-03     0.0064
deviance           1.4671e+04  1.4564e+04  1.4671e+04  1.4777e+04 14696.3213
       2.5%       97.5% 
-0.00325290  0.08151643 

Profile likelihood:

mod1 <- quote(gamlss(birthweight~AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD,
      data=ultra, family=NO, trace=FALSE))
pp<-prof.term(mod1, min=-0.015, max=0.09, step=.001, criterion="GD")
The Maximum Likelihood estimator is  0.03707175 
with a Global Deviance equal to  14696.32 
A  95 % Confidence interval is: ( 0.003761827 , 0.07061756 ) 

Bayesian Credible interval:

b1 <-bamlss(list(mu=birthweight~ AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD,
                 sigma=~ AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD), data=ultra)

bamlss(formula = list(mu = birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + 
    parity + age + DBD, sigma = ~AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + 
    age + DBD), data = ultra)
Family: gaussian 
Link function: mu = identity, sigma = log
Formula mu:
birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD
Parametric coefficients:
                 Mean      2.5%       50%     97.5% parameters
(Intercept) -4505.487 -4826.873 -4501.626 -4156.626  -4624.450
AC            154.307   141.231   154.250   166.302    152.828
BPD            99.065    29.798    99.619   168.633     97.275
HC             20.585    -1.756    21.075    41.025     24.521
FL            114.831    45.351   115.996   186.814    120.704
parity1        59.928    20.273    59.569   104.235     59.558
parity2        61.795     4.205    61.137   117.479     61.270
parity3+      135.651    53.529   134.717   221.268    141.456
age            -4.104    -7.347    -3.992    -0.810     -3.727
DBD            28.350    27.089    28.381    29.446     28.581
Acceptance probability:
         Mean    2.5%     50% 97.5%
alpha 0.61250 0.08149 0.59965     1
Formula sigma:
~AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD
Parametric coefficients:
                  Mean       2.5%        50%      97.5% parameters
(Intercept)  5.6489388  4.7257590  5.6197202  6.6375548      5.718
AC           0.0348341  0.0002433  0.0348577  0.0665332      0.037
BPD          0.2491306  0.0557155  0.2528267  0.4436406      0.273
HC          -0.0826690 -0.1451788 -0.0832353 -0.0172991     -0.093
FL          -0.0997736 -0.2823260 -0.1035470  0.1024356     -0.105
parity1      0.0233884 -0.0824972  0.0226562  0.1279770      0.021
parity2      0.0504966 -0.0988964  0.0513962  0.1984455      0.041
parity3+    -0.0589609 -0.2725091 -0.0565682  0.1735918     -0.085
age         -0.0050808 -0.0130429 -0.0048645  0.0031337     -0.005
DBD          0.0063721  0.0032463  0.0064649  0.0092166      0.006
Acceptance probability:
        Mean   2.5%    50% 97.5%
alpha 0.7722 0.1712 0.8825     1
Sampler summary:
DIC = 14736.6 logLik = -7358.441 pd = 19.7155
runtime = 2.301
Optimizer summary:
AICc = 14737.15 edf = 20 logLik = -7348.161
logPost = -7515.425 nobs = 1038 runtime = 0.023

Given the information now we can create the figure. Note that the figure is created with the original results from Boostrapping and MCMC.

y <- c(0.037,0.037,0.039,0.038,0.037,0.034)
CI <- data.frame(
        x = c(6:1),
        y = y,
      yhi = c(0.0703,  0.0813, 0.0875, 0.0786, 0.0701, 0.0665), 
      ylo = c(0.0037, -0.0072,-0.0076,-0.0052, 0.0037, 0.0002), 
   labpos = rep(-0.23, 6), 
      lab = c("Wald", "Robust", "Nonparam. bootstrap", "Bayesian bootstrap",
              "Profile likelihood", "Bayesian credible inter."),
    rightlabpos = rep(0.1, 6))
CI$rightlab = paste0(CI$y, " (",sprintf("%.4f",CI$ylo), ", ",
  x     y    yhi     ylo labpos    lab rightlabpos                rightlab
1 6 0.037 0.0703  0.0037  -0.23   Wald         0.1  0.037 (0.0037, 0.0703)
2 5 0.037 0.0813 -0.0072  -0.23 Robust         0.1 0.037 (-0.0072, 0.0813)
pp <- ggplot(CI, aes(x=x, y=y, ymin=ylo, ymax=yhi)) +  
      geom_pointrange(shape=16, size=1, position=position_dodge(width=c(0.1))) + 
      coord_flip() + 
      geom_hline(aes(yintercept=0), lty=2, lwd=0.25) + # add zero line
      scale_x_discrete(breaks=NULL) + 
      scale_y_continuous(limits = c(-0.25,0.35)) + 
      theme(legend.position="none") + # no legend
      theme_bw() + # take off gray background
      ylab(expression(beta[1]^{sigma})) + # the y label
      xlab("") +  
      geom_text(data=CI, aes(x = x, y = labpos, label = lab, hjust=0),size=3) +
      geom_text(data=CI, aes(x = x, y = rightlabpos, label = rightlab, hjust=0), size=3) 

Figure 8.5 (a)

boot_coef_one(B1, 12, dens.fill=gray(.8), rug=F, title="(a)", line.col="gray") +

Note that because of re-sampling the figure is sightly different from the book.

Figure 8.5 (b)

prof_term(mod1, from=-0.015, to=0.09, step=.001, criterion="GD", text.size = 4,
          title="(b)") +

The Maximum Likelihood estimator is  0.03707175 
with a Global Deviance equal to  14696.32 
A  95 % Confidence interval is: ( 0.003761827 , 0.07061756 ) 

Variable selection

Stepwise Procedure (using AIC, k=2)

If you want to see the steps use trace=TRUE.

LM3.aic <- stepGAICAll.A(LM1 ,  
              scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2), 
              direction = c("both", "both", "backward"), trace=FALSE)
Start:  AIC= 14736.32 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14695.95 
 ~AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14675.63 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD + AC:FL +  
    AC:age + FL:parity + BPD:parity 

Family:  c("NO", "Normal") 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL +  
    parity + age + DBD + AC:FL + AC:age + FL:parity,  
    sigma.formula = ~AC + BPD + HC + FL + DBD + FL:DBD +  
        AC:BPD + BPD:FL, family = NO, data = ultra,      trace = FALSE) 

Fitting method: RS() 

Mu link function:  identity
Mu Coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)   44.9118   641.4648   0.070 0.944196    
AC           -22.8623    23.8056  -0.960 0.337097    
BPD          104.2075    32.6388   3.193 0.001453 ** 
HC            36.2111    10.6080   3.414 0.000667 ***
FL          -434.1823    85.8237  -5.059 5.00e-07 ***
parity1      528.8976   195.2468   2.709 0.006865 ** 
parity2      513.4939   264.8692   1.939 0.052819 .  
parity3+      33.0417   376.9024   0.088 0.930159    
age          -36.8304    11.6618  -3.158 0.001634 ** 
DBD           27.9794     0.5367  52.128  < 2e-16 ***
AC:FL         19.5240     2.7076   7.211 1.09e-12 ***
AC:age         1.0606     0.3744   2.833 0.004701 ** 
FL:parity1   -69.2932    29.2771  -2.367 0.018129 *  
FL:parity2   -67.1585    40.1447  -1.673 0.094654 .  
FL:parity3+   13.2815    56.9678   0.233 0.815699    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sigma link function:  log
Sigma Coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -1.866276   3.253685  -0.574  0.56637    
AC           0.623347   0.109579   5.689 1.68e-08 ***
BPD          0.919901   0.368466   2.497  0.01270 *  
HC          -0.068875   0.036390  -1.893  0.05868 .  
FL          -1.816143   0.835113  -2.175  0.02988 *  
DBD          0.054738   0.018480   2.962  0.00313 ** 
FL:DBD      -0.007474   0.002682  -2.787  0.00543 ** 
AC:BPD      -0.066068   0.010206  -6.474 1.49e-10 ***
BPD:FL       0.208372   0.091390   2.280  0.02281 *  
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

No. of observations in the fit:  1038 
Degrees of Freedom for the fit:  24
      Residual Deg. of Freedom:  1014 
                      at cycle:  5 
Global Deviance:     14627.53 
            AIC:     14675.53 
            SBC:     14794.21 
AIC(nullmodel, LM1, LM2, LM3.aic)
          df      AIC
LM3.aic   24 14675.53
LM2       86 14717.93
LM1       20 14736.32
nullmodel  2 16343.21

Stepwise Procedure (using BIC, k=log(n))

If you want to see the steps use trace=TRUE.

# IC
LM3.bic <- stepGAICAll.A(LM1 , 
              scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2), 
              direction = c("both", "both", "backward"), trace=FALSE)
Start:  AIC= 14831.94 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14795.26 
 ~AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14756.6 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + DBD + AC:FL 

Family:  c("NO", "Normal") 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ AC + BPD + FL + DBD +  
    AC:FL, sigma.formula = ~BPD + DBD + BPD:DBD, family = NO,  
    data = ultra, trace = FALSE) 

Fitting method: RS() 

Mu link function:  identity
Mu Coefficients:
              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -1051.8543   616.2561  -1.707   0.0882 .  
AC             32.2965    23.2092   1.392   0.1644    
BPD           169.9712    26.0263   6.531 1.03e-10 ***
FL           -415.3691    96.7911  -4.291 1.94e-05 ***
DBD            28.2321     0.5683  49.678  < 2e-16 ***
AC:FL          18.1250     3.1988   5.666 1.89e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sigma link function:  log
Sigma Coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  3.754846   0.567981   6.611 6.13e-11 ***
BPD          0.194815   0.061262   3.180  0.00152 ** 
DBD          0.036021   0.012835   2.806  0.00510 ** 
BPD:DBD     -0.003411   0.001302  -2.619  0.00894 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

No. of observations in the fit:  1038 
Degrees of Freedom for the fit:  10
      Residual Deg. of Freedom:  1028 
                      at cycle:  4 
Global Deviance:     14688.43 
            AIC:     14708.43 
            SBC:     14757.88 
GAIC(nullmodel, LM1, LM2, LM3.aic, LM3.bic)
          df      AIC
LM3.aic   24 14675.53
LM3.bic   10 14708.43
LM2       86 14717.93
LM1       20 14736.32
nullmodel  2 16343.21

Stepwise Procedure (using k=4)

If you want to see the steps use trace=TRUE.

LM3.k4 <- stepGAICAll.A(LM1 , 
             scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2), 
             k=4, direction = c("both", "both", "backward"), trace=FALSE)
Start:  AIC= 14776.32 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14740.76 
 ~AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14717.45 
 birthweight ~ AC + BPD + HC + FL + parity + age + DBD + AC:FL +  

Family:  c("NO", "Normal") 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ AC + BPD + FL + DBD +  
    AC:FL, sigma.formula = ~BPD + DBD + BPD:DBD, family = NO,  
    data = ultra, trace = FALSE) 

Fitting method: RS() 

Mu link function:  identity
Mu Coefficients:
              Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept) -1051.8543   616.2561  -1.707   0.0882 .  
AC             32.2965    23.2092   1.392   0.1644    
BPD           169.9712    26.0263   6.531 1.03e-10 ***
FL           -415.3691    96.7911  -4.291 1.94e-05 ***
DBD            28.2321     0.5683  49.678  < 2e-16 ***
AC:FL          18.1250     3.1988   5.666 1.89e-08 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Sigma link function:  log
Sigma Coefficients:
             Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  3.754846   0.567981   6.611 6.13e-11 ***
BPD          0.194815   0.061262   3.180  0.00152 ** 
DBD          0.036021   0.012835   2.806  0.00510 ** 
BPD:DBD     -0.003411   0.001302  -2.619  0.00894 ** 
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

No. of observations in the fit:  1038 
Degrees of Freedom for the fit:  10
      Residual Deg. of Freedom:  1028 
                      at cycle:  4 
Global Deviance:     14688.43 
            AIC:     14708.43 
            SBC:     14757.88 
GAIC(nullmodel, LM1, LM2, LM3.aic, LM3.bic, LM3.k4)
          df      AIC
LM3.aic   24 14675.53
LM3.k4    20 14677.45
LM3.bic   10 14708.43
LM2       86 14717.93
LM1       20 14736.32
nullmodel  2 16343.21

Shrinking procedures


We create a design matrix with all main effects and first order interactions and save the response and the design matrix to a data.frame called ultra1.

X <- model.matrix(~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2, data=ultra)
[1] 1038   43
ultra1 <- data.frame(birthweight=ultra$birthweight, X[,-1])
 [1] "birthweight"  "AC"           "BPD"          "HC"           "FL"          
 [6] "parity1"      "parity2"      "parity3."     "age"          "DBD"         
[11] "AC.BPD"       "AC.HC"        "AC.FL"        "AC.parity1"   "AC.parity2"  
[16] "AC.parity3."  "AC.age"       "AC.DBD"       "BPD.HC"       "BPD.FL"      
[21] "BPD.parity1"  "BPD.parity2"  "BPD.parity3." "BPD.age"      "BPD.DBD"     
[26] "HC.FL"        "HC.parity1"   "HC.parity2"   "HC.parity3."  "HC.age"      
[31] "HC.DBD"       "FL.parity1"   "FL.parity2"   "FL.parity3."  "FL.age"      
[36] "FL.DBD"       "parity1.age"  "parity2.age"  "parity3..age" "parity1.DBD" 
[41] "parity2.DBD"  "parity3..DBD" "age.DBD"     
[1] 1038   43

The following output is to check whether the linear model with interactions is the same as the one fitted by the scaled x-variables data.

LM22 <-  gamlss(birthweight~scale(X[,-1]), data=ultra1,
                family=NO, bf.cyc=1, n.cyc=50, trace=F)
AIC(LM2, LM22, k=0)
     df      AIC
LM2  86 14545.93
LM22 86 14545.93

The models LM2 and LM22 have identical deviances as we would expect, but with a completely different set of fitted coefficients. That is because the x’s are on a different scale. You can verify this by plotting the two set of coefficients using:


The package gamlss.lasso can be used to fit LASSO models within GAMLSS. The default setting of the LASSO is adaptive lasso with BIC tuning. Note that the argument method has two options, information criterion, “IC”, and cross validation, “CV”, and that the argument method=IC has options c("BIC", "HQC", "AIC"). To start with we estimate only the \(\mu\) model (NOT in the book) using the default setting: adaptive lasso with BIC:

LM41.ad.lasso.bic <- gamlss(birthweight~gnet(x.vars=  names(ultra1)[-c(1)],method = "IC", ICpen="BIC"),
            data=ultra1, family=NO, bf.cyc=1)
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 14816.5 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 14816.5 

Note that the same model can be fitted using with just

M4m0 <- gamlss(birthweight~gnet(x.vars=names(ultra1)[-c(1)]), data=ultra1, family=NO, bf.cyc=1)
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 14816.5 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 14816.5 

Here we fit the model used in the book which models both \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\). Note that we import our own version of the gnet() function and also some additional functions which are not in the package gamlss.lasso yet.

LM4.ad.lasso.bic <- gamlss(birthweight~gnet(x.vars=names(ultra1)[-1]),
  sigma.fo=~gnet(x.vars=names(ultra1)[-1]), data=ultra1,
  family=NO, i.control = glim.control(cyc=1, bf.cyc=1))
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 14949.13 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 14695.82 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 14658.48 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 14669.94 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 14672 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 14681.55 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 7: Global Deviance = 14685.01 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 8: Global Deviance = 14685.89 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 9: Global Deviance = 14685.89 

Here we display the nonzero coefficients for the \(\mu\) and \(\sigma\) models.

gnet_terms(LM4.ad.lasso.bic, parameter="mu")
         AC         BPD          FL     parity1    parity3.         age 
 156.239204  136.291348  146.203141   54.628206  104.694214   -3.222064 
        DBD BPD.parity2 
  28.511972    3.820405 
gnet_terms(LM4.ad.lasso.bic, parameter="sigma")
           AC           BPD            HC            FL       parity1 
 2.814530e-02  1.730529e-01 -4.077744e-02 -1.205020e-01  1.439268e-01 
      parity2      parity3.           age           DBD  BPD.parity3. 
 1.428673e+00 -3.992279e+00 -2.331670e-03  5.722929e-03  4.139289e-01 
   HC.parity1    HC.parity2   FL.parity3.        FL.DBD   parity1.DBD 
-8.155753e-03 -4.563783e-02 -5.189657e-04 -2.503784e-04  4.240641e-03 
  parity2.DBD  parity3..DBD 
 4.930397e-05  1.071039e-02 

Other additional functions are; gnet_path(), gnet_terms(),gnet_coef(), and gnet_df(). For example to get the path of the fit for \(\mu\) use:

gnet_path(LM4.ad.lasso.bic,parameter="mu" )


The fit needs the package gamlss.foreach:

registerDoParallel(cores = 8)
LM5.pcr <- gamlss(birthweight~pcr(x.vars = names(ultra1)[-c(1)]),  
                   sigma.fo= ~ pcr(x.vars=names(ultra1)[-c(1)]),  
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 14675.29 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 14674.97 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 14674.98 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 14674.99 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 14674.99 
plot(getSmo(LM5.pcr, "mu"))

[1] 17
plot(getSmo(LM5.pcr, "sigma"))

getSmo(LM5.pcr, "sigma")$pc
[1] 1

Table 8.5

GAIC.table(nullmodel, LM1, LM2, LM3.aic, LM3.bic, LM4.ad.lasso.bic, LM5.pcr)
minimum GAIC(k= 2 ) model: LM3.aic 
minimum GAIC(k= 3.84 ) model: LM3.aic 
minimum GAIC(k= 6.95 ) model: LM3.bic 
                 df      k=2   k=3.84   k=6.95
nullmodel         2 16343.21 16346.89 16353.11
LM1              20 14736.32 14773.12 14835.32
LM2              86 14717.93 14876.17 15143.63
LM3.aic          24 14675.53 14719.69 14794.33
LM3.bic          10 14708.43 14726.83 14757.93
LM4.ad.lasso.bic 27 14739.89 14789.57 14873.54
LM5.pcr          20 14714.99 14751.79 14813.99

Figure 8.6 (a)

model_wp(LM1,LM2,LM3.aic, LM3.bic, LM4.ad.lasso.bic, LM5.pcr, title="(a)") +
   theme_bw(base_size = 15) + 
   theme(legend.position = "none")

Figure 8.6 (b)

moment_bucket(LM1,LM2,LM3.aic, LM3.bic,  LM4.ad.lasso.bic,LM5.pcr, 
  text_to_show = c("1","2","3a","3b","4","5"), cex_text = 6) +
  ggtitle("(b)") +
  ylab("moment excess kurtosis") +
  xlab("moment skewness") +
  theme_bw(base_size = 15) + 
  theme(legend.position = "none")

Figure 8.7

TLM1 <- chooseDist(LM3.bic, parallel="snow", ncpus = 8)
minimum GAIC(k= 2 ) family: JSU 
minimum GAIC(k= 3.84 ) family: JSU 
minimum GAIC(k= 6.95 ) family: JSU 
model_GAIC_lollipop(TLM1, title="(a) AIC for fitted distributions", 
                    col.point=gray(.3), col="gray", order.val="TRUE")+
                     theme_bw(base_size = 15)

GAIG with k= 2 
     JSU      ST3      SST      ST5      ST1 
14681.07 14681.45 14681.62 14682.36 14682.66 
GAIG with k= 3.84 
     JSU      ST3      SST      ST5      ST1 
14703.15 14703.53 14703.70 14704.44 14704.74 
GAIG with k= 6.95 
     JSU      ST3      SST       LO      ST5 
14740.47 14740.85 14741.02 14741.72 14741.76 

Figure 8.8

LM7.jsu <- update(LM3.bic, family=JSU)
resid_wp(LM7.jsu,  points_col=gray(.4), 
theme_bw(base_size = 15)  

Figure 8.9 (a)

Select model using AIC:

null.jsu <- gamlss(birthweight ~ 1,  family = JSU, data = ultra, trace = FALSE) 

LM7.jsu.aic <- stepGAICAll.A(null.jsu , 
                  scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2), 
                  trace=FALSE, k=2, parallel="snow", ncpus = 8)
Start:  AIC= 16323.64 
 birthweight ~ 1 

Start:  AIC= 14685.11 

Start:  AIC= 14654.57 

Start:  AIC= 14646.01 

Start:  AIC= 14646.01 
 ~AC + DBD 

Start:  AIC= 14646.01 
 ~DBD + AC + FL + age + DBD:AC + DBD:FL 

Start:  AIC= 14644.73 
 birthweight ~ AC + DBD + HC + FL + parity + age + BPD + AC:HC +  
    FL:parity + AC:age + AC:BPD 


Family:  c("JSU", "Johnson SU") 
Fitting method: RS() 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ AC + DBD + HC + FL +  
    parity + age + BPD + FL:parity + AC:age + AC:BPD,  
    sigma.formula = ~DBD + AC + FL + DBD:FL, nu.formula = ~AC +  
        DBD, tau.formula = ~1, family = JSU, data = ultra,      trace = FALSE) 

Mu Coefficients:
(Intercept)           AC          DBD           HC           FL      parity1  
   566.0558     -41.0944      27.9746      38.2969     205.8472     550.2151  
    parity2     parity3+          age          BPD   FL:parity1   FL:parity2  
   489.9364     157.2908     -33.4186    -464.0376     -71.9149     -64.4846  
FL:parity3+       AC:age       AC:BPD  
    -0.3978       0.9550      17.3606  
Sigma Coefficients:
(Intercept)          DBD           AC           FL       DBD:FL  
   4.641916     0.029291     0.039539    -0.061687    -0.003644  
Nu Coefficients:
(Intercept)           AC          DBD  
   15.39684     -0.40890     -0.05691  
Tau Coefficients:

 Degrees of Freedom for the fit: 24 Residual Deg. of Freedom   1014 
Global Deviance:     14594.8 
            AIC:     14642.8 
            SBC:     14761.5 

Select model using BIC:

LM7.jsu.bic <- stepGAICAll.A(null.jsu,  
                  scope=list(lower=~1, upper=~(AC+BPD+HC+FL+parity+age+DBD)^2), 
                  k=log(1038), parallel="snow", ncpus = 8, trace=FALSE)
Start:  AIC= 16343.42 
 birthweight ~ 1 

Start:  AIC= 14755.61 

Start:  AIC= 14733.46 

Start:  AIC= 14733.46 

Start:  AIC= 14733.46 

Start:  AIC= 14733.46 

Start:  AIC= 14733.46 
 birthweight ~ AC + DBD + HC + FL + AC:HC 


Family:  c("JSU", "Johnson SU") 
Fitting method: RS() 

Call:  gamlss(formula = birthweight ~ AC + DBD + HC + FL +  
    AC:HC, sigma.formula = ~DBD, family = JSU, data = ultra,  
    trace = FALSE, nu.formula = ~1, tau.formula = ~1) 

Mu Coefficients:
(Intercept)           AC          DBD           HC           FL        AC:HC  
   -678.286       11.294       28.404      -84.907      152.750        4.508  
Sigma Coefficients:
(Intercept)          DBD  
   5.490173     0.006265  
Nu Coefficients:
Tau Coefficients:

 Degrees of Freedom for the fit: 10 Residual Deg. of Freedom   1028 
Global Deviance:     14664 
            AIC:     14684 
            SBC:     14733.5 

Now the first plot:

model_wp(LM7.jsu.aic,LM7.jsu.bic, title="(a)") +
 theme_bw(base_size = 15) +
 theme(legend.position = "none")

The second plot;

     text_to_show = c("1","2"), cex_text = 7 )  + ggtitle("(b)")+
     ylab("moment excess kurtosis")+xlab("moment skewness")+
     theme_bw(base_size = 15)+ 
     theme(legend.position = "none")

Figure 8.10

fitted_terms(LM7.jsu.bic, term.col="black", col.ribbon = gray(.3))+
 theme_bw(base_size = 30)


Figure 8.11

pe_param_grid(LM7.jsu.bic, col="black",
   terms=list("AC", "DBD", "HC", "FL", c("AC", "HC")))+
   theme_bw(base_size = 30)


Figure 8.12

LM7.jsu.bic_smo_i = gamlss(birthweight ~ pb(AC)+ pb(DBD) + pb(HC)  + pb(FL) + ga(~s(AC,HC)), 
                           sigma.formula = ~DBD, 
                           nu.formula = ~1,  
                           tau.formula = ~1, 
                           family = JSU, data = ultra, bf.cyc=1)
GAMLSS-RS iteration 1: Global Deviance = 14711.84 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 2: Global Deviance = 14687.84 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 3: Global Deviance = 14666.85 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 4: Global Deviance = 14656.35 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 5: Global Deviance = 14653.5 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 6: Global Deviance = 14652.99 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 7: Global Deviance = 14652.93 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 8: Global Deviance = 14652.94 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 9: Global Deviance = 14652.95 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 10: Global Deviance = 14652.96 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 11: Global Deviance = 14652.96 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 12: Global Deviance = 14652.96 
GAMLSS-RS iteration 13: Global Deviance = 14652.96 
pe_param_grid(LM7.jsu.bic_smo_i, col="black",
   terms=list( "AC","DBD", "HC", "FL", c("AC", "HC")))+
   theme_bw(base_size = 30)

new prediction 
new prediction 
new prediction 
new prediction 
new prediction 

Figure 8.13 (a)

pp <- getPEF(LM7.jsu.bic_smo_i, "FL")
new prediction 
FL <- seq(3.9,8.2, 0.01)
da =data.frame(FL=FL, MU=pp(FL), dMU =pp(FL,deriv=1))
ggplot(da, aes(x=FL, y=MU))+ggtitle("(a)")+
geom_line()+theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.13 (b)

ggplot(da, aes(x=FL, y=dMU))+ggtitle("(b)")+
theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.14 (a)

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_moment(LM7.jsu.aic,"AC", title="(a) ", col="black") + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.14 (b)

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_moment(LM7.jsu.aic, "AC", moment="sd",  title="(b)") + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.14 (c)

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_moment(LM7.jsu.aic,"parity",  title="(c)") + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.14 (d)

gamlss.ggplots:::pe_moment(LM7.jsu.aic,"parity", moment="var", title="(d)") + 
  theme_bw(base_size = 15)

Figure 8.15

pe_quantile_grid(LM7.jsu.aic,c("DBD", "AC", "HC", "parity", "FL"), legend=FALSE) +
  theme_bw(base_size = 20)


Figure 8.16

pe_2_quantile(LM7.jsu.bic,c("AC", "HC"), title="")  +
  theme_bw(base_size = 15) 

Figure 8.17

pe_pdf_grid(LM7.jsu.aic,  terms=c("DBD", "AC",  "HC", "parity", "FL"))